A relic reborn

Well as meg was still wiping Titan’s blood from her highly uncomfortable skimpy armor her fat chocobo led her back to Gerolt with a flask of oil in hand.

So she got it the relic was in hand but what to do now ?

What should meg concentrate on now .

what should she be ,white mage,black mage ,pugilist monk lancer the list is crazy .


the relic approaches

as i ended the main story i was worried that the game would peter out and be no more fun .


Boy how wrong i was .

after the main i picked up loads of quests that i thought pffff ,but these have unlocked so many different dungeons and the now legendary relic quest .

over the course of the last few weeks i have systematecally been chipping away at the relic  quests culmunating last night with the titan struggle .



this is a little taste on how it went before he died .

Tonight i will get the relic finally and stream straight to twitch i think .


Day three 2 days to new pastures

So last night was a fun and crap day went on meticulously listed every daily item to be crafted and went to work gathering crafting and rearranging my retainers to ensure that space and the market boards where being used effectively .

got about halfway through and thought omg they are using a lot of yesterdays items only once i was done did i realize this was yesterdays list .

handed it in and i was pissed so i thought i would have a go of this :::::::

a fun event and i cannot wait for the next bit.
ps4 friday 11-04-2014
meg xox

crafting the night away

Well Eorzea is not calm what with the threat of the primals and Bahamut .

But there is always time to do your dailies ,i spent some time doing my dailies and levelling a few classes last night ,also spent some time fixing the retainers and sending my little falaffel on another adventure .

Crafting Depenency in FFXIV:ARR


This being the ultimate goal and to level my thm or pug to 43 .

So Meg’s intense adventures will hopefully start tonight and continue onto ps4 on friday ..


Meg Rejaan

Foes vanquished but are they ???

So there i was bright and early on Saturday morning entering castrum meridianum brimming with confidence and power .

well mainly because i was on ps4 and it looked amazing .

well two dungeons later and ultima lay a wreck and all foes were vanquished i realised it wasnt over and a whole new game had opened up

so will use this as a sort of diary of what Meg and our FC http://eorzeanelders.enjin.com/home did next .

ask any questions ask for us to do things and we will try to oblige .


Meg Rejaan